Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week 13

Adobe Captivate 8

I have to learn how to create CAI
1. I have to chose blank project and 1024× 768 size
2. I have to do first slide that if I want a text, I have to go to the text and click at text caption.

3. If I want to make the texts or pictures can click and they will link to the other slide just go to the Interaction and click "button"

4. I also can bring the picture or sound by click "media" and click "Image" for picture "Audio" for sound "Video" for video
5. I can preview for seeing my project by click "preview" and I can chose play slide or project.
6. I can construct the quiz or exercise by click "Quiz" >>>"Question slide" and then I can chose which one I want.

8. If I finish project, I need to click "publish"


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