Thursday, July 26, 2018

😊Week 3 Summary: The Use of Multimedia in English Teaching😊

From The Use of Multimedia in English Teaching by Zhang Zhen . It can summary that.................
🔎What is Multimedia?
 Multimedia is the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way.
🔎What is the component of multimedia?
There are text, graphics,animation, sound and video.
🔎Why we choose multimedia to assist English teaching?
- The students will interest in the lesson more.
- The students can learning English independently.
- The students can imagine and create the new thing.
- It is a good opportunities for practicing language.
- Save time , the teachers aren't spend a lot of time  for writing on the whiteboard or blackboard.
- The students will clear in the lesson more.
- Teachers use appropriate multimedia for example some teachers bought CD-ROM courseware for their lesson that is to say that behavior can decrease the role of teacher.
- Some students can't understand in the short time.
- Some teachers can't use multimedia because they lack of special ability.
- Teachers lack of diligence and creation on the multimedia technology.
- The interaction between teachers and students is lesser.
🔎How to make good use of multimedia?
- Coordinate the methods between Modern Teaching and Traditional Teaching Methods.
- Make a relationship between teachers and students.


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