Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Week 13

Adobe Captivate 8

I have to learn how to create CAI
1. I have to chose blank project and 1024× 768 size
2. I have to do first slide that if I want a text, I have to go to the text and click at text caption.

3. If I want to make the texts or pictures can click and they will link to the other slide just go to the Interaction and click "button"

4. I also can bring the picture or sound by click "media" and click "Image" for picture "Audio" for sound "Video" for video
5. I can preview for seeing my project by click "preview" and I can chose play slide or project.
6. I can construct the quiz or exercise by click "Quiz" >>>"Question slide" and then I can chose which one I want.

8. If I finish project, I need to click "publish"

Week 12

Three Phases of CALL

😻Behavioristic CALL
                  Behavioristic CALL is the first phase of CALL which was implemented in the 1960s. Programs at those times included repetitive language drills which were later refered to as "drill and practice". It was based on the model of computer as tutor.
😻Communicative CALL
                 Communicative CALL is the second phase which gained importance in the 1970s. It focuses on authentic communication and use of forms rather than the forms themselves. 3 different CALL models were used for communicative activities: computer as tutor (Taylor &Perez 1989:3), computer as tool (Brierley & Kemble 1991; Taylor 1980) and computer as stimulus (Taylor & Perez 1989:63). 
😻Integrative CALL
                 The third phase is called integrative CALL, which includes two important developments: multimedia and the Internet.  

Week 11

Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview Attapol Khamkhien 
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University 
E-mail: faasapk@ku.ac.th

The Development of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
                 As for the development of CALL, Warschauer & Healey (1998) suggest that CALL can be generally categorized based on three teaching methodologies dominant in ELT: behavioristic CALL, communicative CALL, and integrative CALL.  
😀Behavioristic CALL is recognized as the first phase of CALL. Most of CALL programs in this phase entailed repetitive language drills-and-practice activities.  
😀Communicative CALL,The focus of CALL in this phase is placed on using the language or functions rather than analysis of language forms. But not in a drill format like in the first phase.
😀Integrative CALL,In this phase, the computer serves as tool, in which the computer does not provide learning material, but empowers users to actually use language. CALL in this period is regarded as a shift from the use of the computer for drill and tutorial purposed into a medium for extending education beyond the language classroom.  

Advantages and Disadvantages of CALL in Language Learning
😀The use of CALL to support in language learning provides students with the authenticity of the input.  
😀CALL, especially computer mediated communication or CMC, helps encourage foreign language learners to produce comprehensible output. 
😀CALL is able to provide learners with the kinds of information and support that they require to complete individual tasks and to respond to the diversity of learner needs even within a single classroom structure. 
😀Learner-centered classes can be promoted by CALL.

Educational CALL Programs and ELT in Thailand 
😀Tutorial programs are responsible for collecting, presenting and guiding information, teaching rules. Students can learn content through questions. When the students answer, they receive immediate feedback.
😀Drill and Practice is to review the content background knowledge.The questions will be repeated many times.
😀Demonstration is very helpful with selfdirected learning. students will be encouraged to learn by themselves.
😀Simulation or so-called problem solving is used, aiming to raise students’ critical thinking, discussion skills and writing abilities
😀Games are used to provide a rich learning and teaching environment.
😀Testing is a tool for assessment and a method to determine what students know and do not know.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Week 10

The Component CAI

    Alphabet, numer that very various and have difference in front, size and color. 
   There are voice, Music and sound effect.
    Maybe 2 or 3 dimesion.
    To encourage learning that cannot describes with texts or pictures.
😼Hypermedia gives more information about text and Hyper graphic gives more information about picture.

The component to make CAI
    Motivate student to interest in the lesson
    Describes how to use the lesson.
    Describes the purpose of the lesson.
😼Main Menu
    Show the detail of the lesson.
😼Pre Test
😼Post Test

Week 9

The Principles to design CAI

1. Preparation
    - Purpose
    -Learn your information
2. Design Instruction
     -Analysis your work
     -This can show how the feature of your work  
3. Flowchart Lesson
     - Describe the process of how program work
4. Create Storyboard
     - Prepare to present text, pictures, include of any multi-media on the papers.
5. Program lesson 
     - You can make storyboard become CAI
6.Produce Supporting Materials
     - Learner's Guide
     - Instructor's Guide
     -Technical Troubleshooting Guide
 7. Evaluate and Revise
     - Evaluate all of the lesson

Week 8

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) is an interactive instructional technique whereby a computer is used to present the instructional material and monitor the learning that takes place.

Type of CAI

1. Tutorial Instruction
2. Drills and Practice
3. Simulation
4. Instructional Games
5. Discovery
6. Problem-Solving


1. Encourage student to join in learning.
2.Student can learn by themselves.
3.Motivate student.
4. Ability of the computer can design and evaluate student fast.
5.It can put picture, sound to make student interest more.
6.Student can learn anywhere and any times.
7. Save times.


1. limited number of the program.
2. Spend a lot of time to design the lesson.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Week 7

Corpus for Classrooms: Ideas for Material 
Design Neveen Al Saeed & Salma Waly
✶Corpora helped students to learn about certain language uses that were not available in any of the traditional tools. 
✶Corpora allowed students to examine these language features in context.
✶Corpora helped students get a broader view of language.
✶Corpora could help improve students’ language proficiency.

✶Disadvantage is that some corpus software is not available for students
✷Students are confused because of the large amounts of search results that when searching any corpus.

✨Corpus-based Activities and Ideas for Material Design 
Elementary students: Collocations: make/do
✶Verb pairing game
✶Computer cloze activity

Intermediate students: Modal verbs
✶Contextual Analysis
✶Cloze activities
✶Express yourself

Upper intermediate students: Phrasal verbs 
✶Cloze activity

Advanced students: Idiomatic Expressions: 
✶Concordance Analysis
✶Pragmatics: Situation analysis  

Week 6

Modal Auxiliary in British English: 
A Corpus-Based Study of Modality Through British National Corpus

⭐BNCweb is the concordance software that accesses this copy of the BNC. With BNCweb, you can search the entire BNC, or limit yourself to just part of it.

         BNCweb will e specifically applied through chosen modal verbs in order to:

        1. shed some light on modal verbs of which meanings are difficult to make distinction on theoretical background.
        2. affirm that modalities can be interchangeable due to different contexts, such as gender, type of data, perceived level of difficulty and etc.

Method Three modal verbs ("should", "have to" and "must") will be scrutinized by available functions ("distribution", "collocation" and "concordance") via BNCweb in order to offer empirical information, such as grammatical usage and discursive practice, of modalities in British context. Details of methodology in each function will be subsequently explained in results and discussion section. 

Week 5

Using corpus analysis software to analyse specialised texts

🌞Corpus as a collection f naturally-occurring texts in a computer-readable format which can be retrieved and analyzed using corpus analysis software.
🌞We use Antconc to analyzed texts.
🌞Sources of language copora
🌞Designing a specialized corpus
     -Corpus size
     -Text extracts vs. full texts
     -Number of texts
     -Subject and text type
     -Other considerations
🌞Sources of specialised texts
     -Printed materials software
     -Word document texts
     -Texts on the web
     -Online databases

Friday, September 7, 2018

💙Week 4 Digital Writing: Enhancing Ways of Teaching and Learning Writing💙

1. What are the problems struggling writers have in writing classes?
👉The learners usually have poor handwriting  and writes slowly or illegibly.
👉The learners  have problems in expressing their idea through composition.
👉The learners have trouble communicating and understanding their teachers and peers during discussion in the classroom.
👉Many struggling writers’ primary writing problems involve a lack of confidence.
👉Struggling writers are likely to develop negative attitudes towards writing and, thus, often have low motivation to write.

2. What does 'digital writing' refer to?
Digital writing is becoming a standard way of life for young learners within Generation M.

3. What are the three digital writing tools? Give brief descriptions?
         💗A blog is a discussion, informational article or personal journal, published on the World Wide Web, which is often frequently updated.
👉Instant Messaging (IM) – MSN, Line, Twitter, Skype, chat-room 
        💗Instant Messaging (IM) is a form of Internet-based, real time text communication between users on the same system.
👉Social Network Site (SNS) 
        💗A social network site (SNS) is a website or an online service platform in which people share interest, create a public or semi-public profile, and interact with other users.

4. How has digital writing enhanced the teaching of writing?
👉They provide opportunities for users to use nicknames or pseudonyms.
👉Learners actually type out what they want to communicate to the group or readers.
👉Digital writing promotes learners’ equity in terms of interaction.
👉Increases student-centered learning.
👉Encourages collaborative learning
👉digital writing involves different modes of representation combining text, audio, video, still images, animation, and/or interactive features.

5. What are the things that you should take into consideration to employ digital writing for teaching academic writing?
👍Professional Knowledge for the Teaching of Writing
👍Computer professional, or an IT professional

6. Which activity do you like most? Why?
         💗Activity 2: Guess Who because it's very exciting to guess who our partners are.
And it challenges us to guess anyone, it also shows our ability that who are sagacious people.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

😊Week 3 Summary: The Use of Multimedia in English Teaching😊

From The Use of Multimedia in English Teaching by Zhang Zhen . It can summary that.................
🔎What is Multimedia?
 Multimedia is the use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way.
🔎What is the component of multimedia?
There are text, graphics,animation, sound and video.
🔎Why we choose multimedia to assist English teaching?
- The students will interest in the lesson more.
- The students can learning English independently.
- The students can imagine and create the new thing.
- It is a good opportunities for practicing language.
- Save time , the teachers aren't spend a lot of time  for writing on the whiteboard or blackboard.
- The students will clear in the lesson more.
- Teachers use appropriate multimedia for example some teachers bought CD-ROM courseware for their lesson that is to say that behavior can decrease the role of teacher.
- Some students can't understand in the short time.
- Some teachers can't use multimedia because they lack of special ability.
- Teachers lack of diligence and creation on the multimedia technology.
- The interaction between teachers and students is lesser.
🔎How to make good use of multimedia?
- Coordinate the methods between Modern Teaching and Traditional Teaching Methods.
- Make a relationship between teachers and students.

Safe & Sound feat. The Civil Wars

Thursday, July 19, 2018

😍Week 2 Summary: Weblogs enhancing ELF students' English language learning😍

From Weblogs enhancing ELF students' English language learning by Usa Noytim. It can summary that.................
💥The purpose
1. To inspect students' perception of using weblogs.
2. To inspect the attitude toward using weblogs.
This study investigated the potential value of Weblog use on English language learning in the context of a university in Thailand.
💥The participants of this research
The participants of this research were twenty- undergraduate English major female students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University.
1.Short questionnaires
2.Analysed questionnaires
3.Interview questionnaires
1. Extent of knowledge and Experience with weblogs
    There are fourteen students had the internet at home. Thirteen students had no prior experience to use weblog before studying the course Reading and Writing for Academy Purposes II. Most twelve students did not use Weblogs in their life. And eight students sometimes used Weblogs to contact or discuss with friends.
2.Potential values of Weblogs
   There are many advantage of weblogs use for instance Weblogs as a medium of self-expression online, a tool to develop English language, a good chance to develop writing and reading skill with discuss with other people, encourage their creative, analytical and critical thinking skill and it also created social interaction.
3. Student reactions to Weblog use
    They have a positive attitude and intention to continue using. In addition, nineteen students expect to teacher and friends add comment on their blog. Furthermore, some student tell the disadvantage of blog such as time investment and plagiarism.
4. The Blogs
    Student's blogs and comment were counted and read. The result show 200 blog entries and 898 comment. The blog that is higher number of comment was 158 comment
💥Discussion and Conclusion
     - Weblogs fostered student's self-expression.
     - The students have more confidence in writing.
    - Blogs can comment by every people. Sometimes the foreigner will confirm a real and global audience.
    - The student like the comment easily and easier to exchange idea and also encourage their analytical and critical thinking skills.
     - Blogs fostered a social interjection.
     - Blogs promote student's creative thinking.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

😸Week 1 Summary: Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes

                 In July 12, I learned about Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes.  I got a lot knowledge about  blog. I learned about blog that we can share own ideas easily. However, there are three types of blog according to tutor blog, learner blog and class blog.
                 Firstly,the tutor blog. There are five purposes for writing blog that are it gives daily reading practice to the learner, it promotes exploration of English websites, it encourages online verbal exchange by use of comment buttons, it provides class or syllabus information and it serves as a resource or links foe self-study.
                Secondly, the learner blog. There are manage by individual learners themselves or small collaborative groups of learners. This type of blog is appropriate for reading and writing classes. Furthermore, It also promoted idea when you exchange something.
                 Thirdly, the class blog. There are run by teacher and student. these are blogs that can make discuss between teacher and student from the topic that the teacher give to them. Furthermore, There  also can develop writing skill of the writer. Moreover, you can  discuss or exchange idea with the foreigners if you have friends  from  different countries.
                 To sum up, there are three types of blog and each of blog has a different purpose so you should choose the type of blog that suite for you. 

Computer Application for English Language Teaching Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design